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Flouring the loaf

Flouring the loaf

Here’s a task that cries out for a simple solution: put a border round a matrix. My matrix is boolean and represents a QR code (yes, we’ll come to that) but its the same problem as, say, putting a 1px border on an image.

So lets examine it as wrapping a char matrix in spaces. We’ll use ("LOAF";"loaf";"LOAF") as our loaf.

Amend At

Our first strategy is to manipulate indexes, which is often an efficient approach in q. We make a larger blank matrix for the result and write the original matrix in the right place.

Start with the shape of the matrix; that is, count the rows and columns. (Shape is a concept that q did not inherit from its ancestor APL, but is easy enough to calculate.) We use the Zen monks for a point-free expression.

q)show LOAF:string`LOAF`loaf`LOAF
q)count each 1 first\LOAF   / shape of LOAF 
3 4
So the result shape is 2+3 4, i.e. 5 6, and here is our blank template:
q){n:2+count each 1 first\x; n#" "}LOAF 
"      "
"      "
"      "
"      "
"      "
For the last step we could use Amend Each .' to map each item of LOAF to a row-column pair in the result. But it should be more efficient to raze LOAF and use Amend At @ to map all its items to the vector prd[n]#" " and then reshape it. Something like
q){n:2+s:count each 1 first\x; n#@[prd[n]#" "; ??? ;:;raze x]}LOAF 
"      "
" LOAF "
" loaf "
" LOAF "
"      "
Above, ??? is some expression that returns the target indices for the items of LOAF. Let’s start with an easy expression – wrong, but easy. We’ll write the items of LOAF into the first positions of the result.
q){n:2+s:count each 1 first\x; n#@[prd[n]#" ";til prd s;:;raze x]}LOAF
"      "
"      "
"      " 
Next we come to often-overlooked overloads of vs and sv: they encode and decode different (and variable) arithmetic bases. English pounds have 100 pennies (once known as New Pence) but once had 240, of which 12 made a shilling; and 20 shillings a pound.
q)240*4.50                    / £4.50 in old pence 
q)100 20 12 vs 240*4.50       / £4.50 was £4 10s 0d. 
4 10 0f 
q)%[;240]100 20 12 sv 4 10 0  / £4/10/- in decimal coinage 
q)%[;240]100 20 12 sv 4 17 6  / not every £ amount has an exact equivalent 
We can use vs and sv to convert between row-col pairs and equivalent vector indices.
q)shp:{count each 1 first\x}  / shape
q){n:2+s:shp x; n#@[prd[n]#" ";n sv flip 1 1+/:s vs/:til prd s;:;raze x]}LOAF
"      "
" LOAF "
" loaf "
" LOAF "
"      "
The above is probably efficient for a large matrix, but it seems a lot of code for a simple task. If our matrices are small, perhaps we can see a simpler way?


Join , looks like an obvious candidate. (And it will lead us to something about flip we might not have known; but we’ll come to that.) We have to apply it to each of four sides, but we have decided we don’t necessarily need the fastest expression for this.

Looks straightforward: Join for top and bottom, Join Each for the sides.

q),[;" "] " ",'" ",M,'" "
"  "
" LOAF "
" loaf "
" LOAF "
" "
Ah, not quite that straightforward. Joining an atom doesn’t use scalar extension the same way Join Each does. We could count the first row
q){row:enlist(count first x)#" ";" ",'(row,x,row),'" "}M
"      "
" LOAF "
" loaf "
" LOAF "
"      "
Better, but the refactoring itch remains.

The simplest operation is the Join Each, which exploits scalar extension.

When I flour an unbaked loaf, I dont daub flour over it, I roll it in the flour.

q)" ",'reverse flip LOAF
" FfF"
" AaA"
" OoO"
" LlL"
q)" ",'reverse flip " ",'reverse flip LOAF
" faol"
"     "
q)4{" ",'reverse flip x}/LOAF
"      "
" LOAF "
" loaf "
" LOAF "
"      "
I don’t need the (admittedly tiny) overhead of a lambda to apply a series of unaries: I can use a composition.
q)4(" ",' reverse flip ::)/LOAF
"      "
" LOAF "
" loaf "
" LOAF "
"      "
Loaf floured!

Now here’s a surprise: we don’t need the Each.

q)4{" ",reverse flip x}/LOAF
" "
" LOAF "
" loaf "
" LOAF "
"      "
How does that work?

Flip and scalar extension

It turns out that flip uses scalar extension. The items of its argument must conform; that is, they must be same-length lists or atoms. But the result will have same-length lists.

q)flip M:3 4#"ABCDEFGHIJKL"
q)flip M,enlist "XYZ" / must conform!
  [0]  flip M,enlist "XYZ" / must conform!
q)flip M,"X"
And that QR code? Watch this space…