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Mark this

The Way We Were

First stage

The All-American Smile 

In a way he was like the land itself. 
Everything came to him too easily. 

But at least he knew it, 
and from time to time he worried about being a phoney.
Write a single expression that reads the file,1 follows the applicable Markdown rules, and returns an HTML document as a string, e.g.

<html><body><p>The All-American Smile</p><p>In a way he was like the land itself. Everything ..


The .h namespace and File Binary; however is not a solution.

Not tempted yet? Let’s make it easier and harder.

  • Easier: file lines have no trailing spaces.
  • Harder: let your expression contain no more than one reference to

Oh yes. Now we’re having fun.

First stage

A few variations from Rian Ó’Cuinnegáin:

-1 {i:where ""~/:x;raze "<html><body><p>",@[x;i;:;count[i]#enlist "</p><p>"],"</p></body></html>"} read0 `;
-1"<html><body><p>",,[;"</p></body></html>"] ssr[;"n";""] "</p><p>" sv "\n\n" vs`char$read1`;
q){[y;x]}/[;`body`html].h.text"\n\n"vs"c"$ read1 `
"<html><body><p>The All-American Smile </p>\n<p>In a way he was like the land..

Casting the result of read1 makes it easy to find the empty lines that divide paragraphs. We can safely ignore – as HTML does – single linebreaks in the markup.

Notice how the pattern {f[y;x]}/[;LLL]R with binary function f applies a list LLL of left arguments successively to a right argument R.

Second stage

# The All-American Smile 

In a way he was like the land itself. 
Everything came to him too easily. 

But at least he knew it, 
and from time to time he worried about being a phoney.
<html><body><h1>The All-American Smile</h1><p>In a way he was like the land ..


q){[y;x]}/[;`body`html]raze{'[;(2*h)_'x]`p`h1 h:x like"# *"}"\n\n"vs"c"$read1`
"<html><body><h1>The All-American Smile </h1><p>In a way he was like the land..
Of course, this does not interpret the full Markdown syntax, only enough to process the example.

  1. The opening of a short story by Hubbel Gardiner in The Way We Were (1973).