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Scan and Over


Over and Scan provide Map-Reduce and Fold as single-character operators.1

The accumulators, Scan and Over, perform the same computations. They share the same Do, Converge and While forms for unary arguments.

They differ only in that

  • Scan (f\) returns the result of every iteration
  • Over (f/) returns the final result

Number of iterations

For long int n and test expression t

rank of f expression i (#iterations) count[r] r[0]
1 r:f\[y] ≥1 (Converge) i y
1 r:n f\y n (Do) 1+i y
1 r:t f\y ≥0 (While) 1+i y
2 r:x f\y count y i f[x;first y]
3–8 r:f\[x;y;z;…] max count(y;z;…) i f[x;first y;first z;…]

In each of the forms above, f/ performs the same computation as f\, with the same number of iterations.

Zero iterations

The Converge, Do, and While forms all return a result in which the first item is the result of zero iterations; i.e. y.

q)0{'`ouch}\100      / zero iterations
q)(til 6;5(.1*)\3.)  / (# iterations;result)
0 1   2    3     4      5
3 0.3 0.03 0.003 0.0003 3e-05

Data type change

Where f returns a result of different type than its argument/s the result of f\ is a mixed list.

q)5(.1*)\3.   / argument and results are all floats
3 0.3 0.03 0.003 0.0003 3e-05
q)5(.1*)\3    / iteration 1 changes type

q)(11>) (1+)\100
Above, the test 11> is applied to the 0th iteration, i.e. y, the argument 100. The test fails, and the composition 1+ is not applied.
q){'`ouch} 100        / evaluation of the lambda signals an error
  [0]  {'`ouch} 100
q)(11>){'`ouch}\100   / no evaluation of the lambda


For Converge, the result of the evaluation that terminates iteration is not returned.

1 -1


Do as Cond

Suppose you have a test result test that is not a boolean but a long int; i.e. 0 or 1. You could use it in a conditional – or as a left argument to Do.

{$[test;f x;x]}   <==>   test f/x

In Jeff Borrors’ classic textbook Q for Mortals you will find frequent references to moments of “Zen meditation” leading to flashes of insight into the workings of q.

My teacher Myokyo-ni liked to quote the Third Patriarch:

The Great Way is not difficult. It avoids only picking and choosing.

The Do form of the Scan iterator has a pattern sometimes called ‘the Zen monks’.

The pattern is to apply a function and not to apply it.

Consider the trim keyword. It must find the spaces in a string, then the continuous spaces from each end. If we had to write trim in q it might be

q){b:x<>" ";(b?1b)_ neg[reverse[b]?1b] _ x}"   Trim the spaces.  " 
"Trim the spaces."

We notice the repetitions:

  • both b and reverse[b] are searched for 1b
  • two uses of the Drop operator

We want to do the search/drop thing from both ends of the string.

q){x{y _ x}/1 -1*(1 reverse\" "<>x)?'1b}"   Trim the spaces.  " 
"Trim the spaces."

Applying a series of left arguments

Notice the {y _ x}/ reduction above. Lambda {y f x} commutes an operator f by switching its arguments. The pattern R{y f x}/L successively applies a list of left arguments L to an argument R.

Here we use 1 reverse\ to get the boolean vector and its reversal. The 1 f\ pattern is known as the ‘Zen monks’. (Of course, we could write {(x;f x)} but where’s the fun in that?)

Zen monks

Here is another use for it, in finding the shape (rows and columns) of a matrix.

q)show m:{max[count each x]$'x}string`avoids`picking`and`choosing 
"avoids  " 
"picking " 
"and     " 
q)shp:{count each 1 first\x} / shape of a matrix 
q)shp m 
4 8

The Zen Buddhist pension plan

A day without work is a day without food. — Baizhang Huaihai

Can you find any other work for the monks?


Final iteration

For the While form of Scan, the result of the evaluation that terminates iteration is returned.

q)(11>) (1+)\1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
The test expression t is applied to the result of every iteration (even the 0th); so

t last t f\y   <==>   0

Test expression

The test expression t in t f/y and t f\y is any applicable value that could return a zero when applied to the result of an iteration. That is, a

  • keyword
  • projection
  • lambda
  • dictionary
  • list

And the zero is any value that casts to zero.

q)show bd:`bob`ted`sue`carol`mary`tom`dick!2000.01.01+1000* -3+til 7 /birthdays
bob  | 1991.10.15
ted  | 1994.07.11
sue  | 1997.04.06
carol| 2000.01.01
mary | 2002.09.27
tom  | 2005.06.23
dick | 2008.03.19
q)show likes:.[!]reverse 1 (1 rotate)\key bd / who likes whom
ted  | bob
sue  | ted
carol| sue
mary | carol
tom  | mary
dick | tom
bob  | dick
q)likes\[`tom] / chain of likes
q)bd likes\`tom / follow chain of likes to someone born 1/1/2000
Above, both f and the test expression are dictionaries, and the zero is 2000.01.01.

Higher-rank arguments



  1. In x f/y and x f\y what is the rank of f?


    In x f/y and x f\y the rank of f can be only 1 or 2.

    • If 1, x is either a non-negative integer or a test expression.
    • If 2, x is the left value for iteration 1, which is f[x;y 0].
  2. Predict the value of t and f:

    (t;f):0 0
    test fn\1


    q)(t;f):0 0;test fn\1
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
    11 10
    test was evaluated 11 times and fn 10.

  3. Write a binary f so that for atom x and vector y, x f\y is a general list, not a vector.


    The result of x f\y will be a vector as long as f[a;b] returns an atom for atoms a and b. Any other result will have x f\y evaluate to some other kind of list.

    q)3{y?x}\2 4 5 4 2
    2 0
    0 0 2 2
    0 0 0 0 2
    0 0 0 2
    0 0

  4. If test is a long 0 or 1, the lambda {$[test;f x;x]} could be replaced by test f/x. Explain why this is not a smart substitution.


    The two expressions are equivalent provided test is either long 0 or 1. But if it were, say, 100 then, while the lambda would still apply f once, test f/x would apply it 100 times.

  5. Above, shp returns the shape of a matrix – rows followed by columns. That is, the shape of a 2-dimensional array. Write a version that returns as a vector the shape of an \(N\)-dimensional array.


    Keep applying first – Converge will stop when it reaches an atom. Ignore the count of the atom.

    shp:{-1_ count each first\[x]}  /lambda
    shp: -1_ (count') (first\) ::   /composition
  6. Find simpler equivalents for:

    first 1 f\x
    last  1 f\x
    last  5 f\x
    f x
    5 f/x
  7. Where f has rank 3, compare f\[x;y;z] to f'[x;y;z]. Compare f'[x;y;z] to f[x]'[y;z]. Is f\[x;y;z] equivalent to f[x]\[y;z]? Explain.


    In f'[x;y;z] all three arguments must conform; in f\[x;y;z] only the right arguments must conform.

    In f[x]'[y;z] the binary projection f[x;;] is applied to corresponding items of y and z. In each iteration the left argument is the full value of x.

    Similarly in f[x]\[y;z] the value of the first argument is fixed as x; it is the value of the second argument that iterates successively. The items of result r:

    r[0]   <==>   f[x;   y; z@0]
    r[1]   <==>   f[x; r@0; z@1]
    r[2]   <==>   f[x; r@1; z@2]

  1. Scan and Over descend from the very first implementation of Iverson Notation in the 1960s. APL had Map-Reduce when computer programs were still punched on cards.